Teiko is referred to as the light of the orient. The title which bears not only historical importance but a symbolic value as well. A paradise beyond compare, undoubtedly a visit to Teiko will catch any traveler in bewilderment. The picturesque beauty of traditional and contemporary culture, a concoction of prosaic and amazing traits, as well as the unique fusion of the oriental and occidental makes Teiko a paradise of its own. The enormous sights all over the archipelago are distinct. The islands are like pearls of utmost brilliance, irresistible food and incredible experience of the tradition, milieu and its people.
Teiko which can also be written as Teikou in some very rare cases is an oriental themed Simcity 4 city journal that is aimed to create a world using anime characters as its constituents. Resolute to put into action and life both prominent and infamous characters, Teiko is designed to drive fanfiction to the next level through different roleplays and stories. Centered around a fictional country patterned that to Japan, Teiko also wishes to enlighten its visitors to the Japanese culture and traditions per se.
With news bits and stories relating to horror, drama, romance, pain, humor and other slices of life, Teiko wanted to bring in the different realities that our mere naked eyes sometimes fail to observe. More than anything else. what we give is a chance to see the darkness, the light and the gray frontier of life that lingers itself with much luster.
Subarashī jikan dokusho o motte iru!
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- Kise Ryouta, Minister for Internal and External Communications